Swim Lessons

  • Safety

  • Assisted Under Water Swim

  • Gentle Swim to 15 Count

  • Independent Back float

  • Rollover

  • Kicks

  • Kick Swim With Assisted Rollover

  • Calm, Comfort and Safety

  • Breath Control

  • Submersion

  • Face Float & Back Float

  • Free Swim

STARFISH 18 months-3 Years old (baby and me)
  • Calm, Comfort and Safety

  • Breath Control

  • Submersion

  • Face Float & Back Float

  • Free Swim

SEATURTLE 3-6 Years old/ SEAHORSE 7-12 Years old
  • Safety

  • Unassisted Under Water Swim

  • Kick Swim

  • Independent rollover

  • Kicks on Back

  • Arms to 10 Count

  • Arms and Kick With Rollover

CRAB 3 -6 Years old/ LOBSTER 7-12 Years old
SWORDFISH (advanced)
  • Calm, Comfort and Safety

  • Breath control

  • Submersion

  • Face Float & Back Float

  • Gentle Swim

  • Body Position

JELLYFISH 3-6 Years old/ OCTOPUS 7- 12 Years old
  • Underwater Swim With Sinkie Dive

  • Arms and Kicks with Roll Mid Swim

  • Side Breath

  • Continuous Kicks

  • Kicks on Back Unassisted

  • Backstroke Arms

  • Backstroke

  • Treading

SHRIMP 6 - 18 Months old (baby and me)